Full Mouth Reconstruction - Saratoga Springs, UT

Full Function and Aesthetics. Fully Restored.

"A Full Mouth Reconstruction Gave Me A Better Quality Of Life."

Customized High-Tech Care to Repair Broken Smiles

Are you experiencing intense discomfort and sensitivity when eating, chronic tooth pain from extensive decay or infection, poor smile aesthetics due to rotting or missing teeth, or jaw pain when you move your mouth? If so, you may be a candidate for full mouth reconstruction that restores the beauty and function of your smile. We combine aesthetic artistry with the science of restorative dentistry to improve your oral health, chewing function, and naturally beautiful smile with personalized full mouth reconstruction in Saratoga Springs, UT.

dental patient undergoing veneers

What Is Full Mouth Reconstruction?

Full mouth reconstruction involves a customized array of diverse dental procedures designed to restore all your teeth so you can function comfortably and smile confidently again. Depending on your unique oral health situation, this treatment may include tooth extractions, occlusal adjustment, scaling and root planing, full and partial dentures, dental implants, and/or dental crowns and bridges. Dr. Jeremy Thompson has in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy and oral structures and years of experience creating customized full mouth reconstruction solutions that reflect his belief in tooth preservation and conservative techniques. His expertise coupled with state-of-the-art dental technology enables our team to deliver full mouth reconstruction in Saratoga Springs, UT, that restores the health and beauty of your smile!

What Dental Problems Require Full Mouth Reconstruction?

  • Extensive dental decay and large failing fillings
  • Multiple missing teeth
  • Badly worn teeth due to bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching)
  • Jaw pain and temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) disorder issues
  • Gingivitis or periodontal disease
  • Dental trauma including broken, cracked, or knocked-out teeth

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Select Full Mouth Reconstruction Treatments

1. Tooth Extractions

Although Dr. Thompson always tries to save a tooth, sometimes, the only solution is to remove a badly decayed, infected, cracked, or otherwise failing tooth and replace it with a bridge or dental implant. We offer two types of sedation dentistry to ensure your comfort during this procedure and other full mouth reconstruction treatments. Depending on the location of the tooth that needs to be extracted and your anxiety level, you can choose between nitrous oxide and oral sedation. 

2. Occlusal Adjustment

When you close your mouth, your top teeth should evenly touch your bottom teeth. An improper bite (malocclusion) can cause many problems such as difficulty chewing, teeth grinding and clenching, headaches, jaw pain, tooth erosion, and issues associated with TMJ. Occlusal adjustment involves selectively removing minimal amounts of tooth surface that are causing interferences. Dr. Thompson will ask you to bite on a very thin piece of paper that allows him to see and eliminate these interferences. This simple process is repeated until the proper tooth position is achieved.

3. Scaling and Root Planing

If you have gum disease, we treat this first before creating any type of restoration. This non-surgical treatment involves a two-part deep cleaning. Scaling removes all the plaque and tartar above and below your gum line, down to the bottom of the pocket. During root planing, we remove plaque, tartar buildup, and bacteria from the roots of your teeth and smooth any rough surfaces.

4. Dental Implants

Dental implants permanently replace one or more missing teeth. The titanium post is surgically placed in your jawbone and functions like a natural tooth root. After the post fuses with your jawbone, a customized restoration (tooth crown) is attached to the post with an abutment. Dental implants restore 99% of normal function, beautify smiles, and improve oral health and confidence.

5. Crowns and Bridges

Dental crowns are used for existing teeth that are chipped, broken, fractured, badly decayed, or treated with a root canal. The crown is placed on your tooth surface and cemented into position, acting as a cap to protect what remains of your natural tooth. A dental bridge comprised of porcelain crowns fused with metal is used to treat a missing tooth. Digital impressions eliminate messy impressions, while our in-house milling technology allows us to create same-day crowns and bridges, which means no longer having to wait weeks to restore your smile.

Is Your Dentist Stuck In The Past Technological Age?

Our Personalized Smile Restoration Process

Full mouth reconstruction is complex and often requires multiple procedures to properly restore full health and function to your smile. To ensure your treatment is tailored to your specific needs, the first step is to schedule a consultation and evaluation at our dental office in Saratoga Springs, UT. During this appointment, we encourage you to share the difficulties you’ve been experiencing. Dr. Thompson will discuss your smile goals and budget, perform a thorough exam, and take digital X-rays and or a scan of your entire mouth, jaw, throat, and face using sophisticated 3-D cone beam imaging. He will then create a customized plan that complements your facial features and symmetry, lips, and gums. To help make full mouth restoration affordable and your dream smile a reality, we accept many insurance plans and partner with a third-party financing company. Although the primary goal of full mouth restoration is to restore functional dental health, you’ll also experience cosmetic improvements to your smile aesthetics. With an artistic background, creating beautiful smiles comes naturally to Dr. Thompson. Just like a wonderful piece of art, he takes his time and applies his extensive skills to ensure a beautiful result. Full mouth reconstruction is a masterwork in progress, so restoring each tooth to its proper health may take weeks or months. If you have gum disease, a tooth root infection, or need a tooth extracted, we perform these treatments first to provide a healthy foundation for the rest of your teeth. After your full mouth reconstruction is complete, your amazing new smile will be revealed. With it, you’ll enjoy the considerable benefits afforded by optimal oral health, including newfound confidence!

The Benefits of a Fully Restored Smile

  • Replaces missing or failing teeth
  • Strengthens the function of teeth
  • Restores your smile to its natural beauty
  • Eliminates sensitivity when eating and drinking
  • Reduces or eliminates tooth grinding and clenching
  • Alleviates discomfort or pain with mouth movements
  • Eliminates gum disease, decay, and infection
  • Lessens bad breath caused by gum disease or decay
NuSmile Patient holding their before picture and smiling showing their after-smile

NuSmile - It Looks Good on You!

Is an unhealthy, unhappy smile causing you pain?

We’re here to relieve your pain and restore your smile, so call us today!


Dr. Thompson and a patient looking at a new smile in a mirror

NuSmile Dental

Since 1996, Dr. Jeremy Thompson has been transforming patients' smiles using dental implants, restorations, and more. From general dentistry to full arch implants, he has what you need to improve and maintain your oral health. For comfortable care and optimal results, we use technology like:

  • Yomi® implant placement
  • CAD/CAM milling technology
  • Intraoral scanners
  • 3D X-rays

If you're ready to take control of your oral health, request an appointment online or call our office at (801) 687-6453.

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